Outdoor For Healthy life – Trening w Gruzji – 25.09 – 2.10.2016
Międzynarodowe szkolenie „Outdoor For Healthy life” to projekt finansowany przez program Erasmus +
Stowarzyszenie Zdrowy-Rower, jest organizacją partnerską projektu. Za naszym pośrednictem w treningu udział weźmą 4 osoby. Zajęcia odbywają się w języku angielskim, zakwaterowanie i wyżywienie jest w 100% pokryte przez organizatora. Opłata za przelot zostanie zrefundowana po projekcie w kwocie do 275 euro.
Projekt odbędzie się w Lagodekhi w Gruzji.
Opis projektu:
Health is the most important determining factor of human life and the invaluable wealth. According to World Health Organization, the health – it is a physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects. The improvement of public health is the basic condition for the development of society.
This is one of the main reason, why our project is targeted to healthy life-style, and we want to use sport activities as a tool for it. The promotion of healthy lifestyle is playing the major role for reducing the morbidity and strengthening the public health of society. Many diseases can be prevented through healthy lifestyle promotion. The fact is that modern society has extended lifetime, but humans move less and less, eat a lot unhealthy junk food and adhere to bad habits.
The main aims of the project are:
• To raise up the awareness about sport and healthy life-style; To give participants possibility to learn and share their experience in the field of sport;
•To teach participants how to use sport opportunities for our health;
•To show participants that, without special lessons and lectures it is possible to get knowledge how to live well with the help of sport activities;
• To promote sport activities and healthy life-style between young people and not only;
Osoby, które chcą wziąć udział w projekcie prosimy o przesłanie aplikacji –>Application Form – Gruzja 25.09-2.10
na adres zdrowyrower@gmail.com